Hi, beta tester! Thanks for all your help. Let us get you started.
Here are the steps to posting to your account.

  • Sign up for an account here.
  • On your user page you will get your player id and you api key
  • copy those and open the new stranger things file you should have (provided to patreon members by Nick).
  • open the script and at the top you will see these fields.
Dim osbid:osbid ="PLACE OSB LOGIN NAME HERE" ' your orbital scoreboard login name
Dim osbkey:osbkey="PLACE OSB API KEY HERE" ' your orbital scoreboard api key
Dim osbdefinit:osbdefinit = "PLACE DEFAULT INITIALS HERE" ' your default initials to use (you will be able to alter it on high score entry in a future release)
  • Enter your player id, api key and default initials (please keep to 3 characters for now) in there
  • Play a game (make sure your cab is connected to the internet) upon game end the backglass will let you know that your score has been posted. Come online now and see your score and how you stack up!